Welcome friends and family!

I am traveling through Central America with the University of Georgia as part of a program titled Culture and Content in Latin America. Another teacher, Rebeccah, and I are traveling as a team representing our school system. While we are there we will be visiting schools, health care facilities, hiking through the rainforest, snorkeling, and experiencing border crossing on foot as we travel into Nicaragua. In addition to living with a family in Costa Rica for a few days, we will be staying at the Ecolodge on UGA's campus in Monteverde (see pictures and links in the right hand column) and in various hotels. You can check the itinerary links to see where in the world we are on a given day. I have included some maps and photos of where we will be (and will be adding more as we go!). While I expect internet availability to be intermittent during the trip, I will be posting updates of my travels as often as possible--so keep checking in!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Leaving Monteverde

There's so much to catch up on after the last few days without internet access, I don't quite know where to begin. We finished out the first leg of our journey, in Monteverde, last week. On Wednesday, we saw this extraordinary rainbow on the way back down the mountain from Santa Elena, and to the left of what was captured in the picture below we could see the Pacific Ocean past the mountains. It was breathtaking!

And, as if that weren't enough, here's a picture of the sun setting that evening from the porch of the Ecolodge . . .

We all got one last treat from the Monteverde cloud forest when we were packing the van the next morning to leave. We were told there was a sloth right around the corner, which by Tico standards (Tico is a term the locals use for the Costa Rican people) was really about a half mile up a rocky steep path! But it was worth the sweat to get to see this amazing creature. She was irritable because she was about to give birth, but she tolerated us for a moment and even posed for this picture . . .
After five hours in the van, we arrived in Santa Rosa National Park. We visited William Walker's stronghold in Costa Rica, pictured below. He was essentially planning to take over Costa Rica, but run out of town back in to Nicaragua. School children in Costa Rica reenact this every year, and one lucky little boy gets to play the fifteen year old Costa Rican who runs up with a burning torch and lights fire to the paper house they pretend is the stronghold. None of us, as teachers, could believe they actually let the child carry a lit torch!!
More adventures lie ahead for us in Santa Rosa . . . .

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